Nomos works on all issues related to the taxation applicable to businesses and individuals.

Business Taxation
Our tax team deals with all matters relating to direct and indirect taxation applicable to businesses.
We work with a client base of major French and foreign groups and SMEs on day-to-day tax management and tax consolidation, international tax strategy (management of cross-border flows, management of the effective tax rate, transfer pricing, project financing etc.), restructuring (such as mergers, demergers, partial contributions of assets), acquisition audits.
We also assist clients in the tax structuring of sales and acquisitions, LBO/MBO and other leveraged transactions.

Wealth taxation
The tax team has a high level of expertise in wealth taxation and advises both individuals and family groups on the organisation, structuring and transfer of their assets.
We also involved in the structuring of acquisitions and transfers of assets, both real estate and other property, in a national or international context, for inheritance and donations, as well as property taxation.
We also support philanthropic structures (associations, foundations and endowment funds).

Relations with the tax authorities and litigation
The tax team intervenes in pre-litigation situations, assists its clients, companies, individuals and non-profit organisations, with tax proceedings, both those which allow for representation (tax audit of individuals, audit of accounting) and those applied automatically (objection to tax audit, automatic taxation procedure, etc.) and negotiates for them with the authorities at all levels (out-of-court settlements, requests for written rulings or approvals, assistance with procedures for the regularisation of assets held abroad etc.).
The team also manages disputes, both before the courts and applications to the authority for reconsideration in relation to assessment and recovery. Our tax law team combines extensive experience in negotiation with the authorities with a cutting-edge approach to litigation. It regularly obtains favourable decisions from tax bodies/authorities (departmental and national conciliation commissions, comité de l’abus de droit, (which deals with particularly significant cases) the customs and exchange tax dispute committee, etc.) and the courts before which it appears (administrative and other courts and the constitutional council).